Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Sorry for not updating the blog folk's and we missed a couple of auld favorites but im sure ye had something small on on Patsy Hall and Spotthedifference.
Tiz the time of the year to get the christmas money tho i already got that for ye with Dont Be Biting at Thurles at the end of November but i think we might be able to get a few more extra quid for xmas at Ludlow on Thursday 21st.
I was gonna call a halt to the blog at the end of the year and go back to putting up horses on the Betfair Forum but with the amount of A***holes on the Forum posting now i think i'll stick to the blog.
So keep the powder dry till Thursday and i'll try to get us some good spending money for xmas with a maximum bet.


1 comment:

J_04 said...

Ash, how does the link to change your Betfair chatname work? I tried pasting the address in a new window with the forum open but to no avail.